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Getting Started

How do I initially login as an administrator?

Type in your respective subdomain that was given to you when you signed up with QuickShift (i.e. companyname.getquickshift.com) in the URL box of your browser.

Click on the ‘ADMIN’ tab of the main menu

Enter your email address and temporary password in their respective boxes and click ‘LOG IN’

How do I onboard employees?

Do it yourself

QuickShift allows for you to onboard employees manually by clicking on the 'Employees' tab and then clicking the ‘NEW EMPLOYEE’ button located the right of the search box.

Have your employees self-onboard

The second option is to have your staff self-onboard. Employees can do so by navigating to your subdomain (companyname.getquickshift.com) and clicking the ‘Register as an employee’ button located below the ‘LOG IN’ button on the sign in screen.

Note: You will receive all these requests under the ‘Pending Employees’ tab in the Employees section of QuickShift. The employee will not be added until you click into their request and click ‘ACTIVATE EMPLOYEE’


How do I create an event?

Click the ‘Plus Sign’ next to the ‘Sign Out’ button in the top right hand corner of any page to create a new event.

Enter in the respective dates, times, location and staff requirements for the event.

Publish the event by clicking the grey ‘Create New Event’ button on the bottom of the form.

How do I view my schedule?

View Your Weekly Schedule

QuickShift opens to a weekly schedule showing you all your events from Monday to Sunday. This can be accessed at any time by clicking the ‘Events’ tab in the menu. Each day selected will show all events of that day in an overview below the weekly schedule.

View Events in a Table Format

It is easy to shift from a weekly schedule to a table view of your events. On the top right, but below the sub menu, you will see a calendar icon and a list icon. Click on the list icon.

View Your Monthly Schedule

Click on the ‘Schedule Management’ tab under the ‘Events’ section to access a monthly view of your company’s schedule. Each event selected will appear in an overview below the monthly schedule

How do I add an employee to an event?

Schedule an Employee

The first way you can add employees is through a monthly view. First, click ‘Schedule Management’ on the sub menu. Select an event from your monthly view and then when it pops up below the monthly, click the event again to highlight it in blue. This will generate all the time teams for that event. Select whichever time team (so that it is highlighted blue) you would like to add employees to and below all available schedule that can be added.

Add an Employee to a Time Team

Starting at the home page, click on any event to open up the ‘Event Overview’. The third section of the Event Overview page is ‘Time Teams’, which will display all employees that are confirmed and unconfirmed to work for an event. If you click on the name of the team it will bring you to the ‘Team Overview’ tab in which you can easily choose the role and add available employees to the event. The last step is to click the ‘ADD TO EVENT’ button located on the bottom of each of the employee cards.

Force Add an Employee

What if you need to add an employee onto an event at the last minute? We got you covered!

Find your way back to the ‘Event Overview’ screen by clicking on the name of the event. Go down to the ‘Time Teams’ section and click the ‘Force Add’ button on underneath the Time team banner. This will give you the opportunity to add any of your employees and assign them a role for any given event. This works to give you the administrator a power to override schedules.

What is a 'Time Team'?

We know that you don’t need everyone at the event at the same time. Maybe you need your cooks to come, then your captains and then your waiters/bartenders. By creating time teams QuickShift allows you to schedule each aspect of your event at the right time.

After an event is created, within 'Event Overview' there will be a section called ‘Time Teams’ (third section down). At the top right hand corner of the Time Teams section, click the button ‘New Time Team’. This will give you the opportunity to create a new time team and also offset the times that you want the time team to start.

How do I close an event?

Confirming Time Cards

From the home page, click on the ‘Events to Archive’ button, this will give you a list of events that have finished, but must be reviewed to ensure payroll is accurate. Click on any event from the Events to Close list and then click the button farthest to the right: ‘Close Event’.

This will bring up a screen that will display all employees that worked the event and what times they were checked in and checked out. You have the ability to edit the shift that was recorded by clicking ‘EDIT SHIFT’. This button will also grant you the ability to edit the employee’s rating, gratuity and give you the last chance to add a strike to their record.

Closing an Event

From the home page, click on the ‘Events to Archive’ button, this will give you a list of events that have finished, but must be reviewed to ensure payroll is accurate. Click on any event from the Events to Close list and then click the button farthest to the right: ‘Close Event’. Follow the page to the bottom and confirm by clicking the red button ‘CLOSE EVENT’.


How do I see what events I have been scheduled for?

Once you have logged into your account, the home page will display a monthly calendar that will show all the events you have requested availability (green) for, all events you have upcoming (blue) and all events that are pending confirmation from the administrative team. Furthermore, below the calendar view is a more in depth view of the events that you have been confirmed for.

How do I add my availability?

On the home page, click the ‘Plus’ sign on the top left corner of your monthly calendar, this will bring you to the availability page. Follow the three step directions at the top of the page:

Click on each date you would like to add availability. A green dot means you have either already added availability or have been scheduled to an event. A purple dot means there are available events.

Select what time you prefer to work. Next, indicate your preferred event. Finally, select which regions you are available. Selecting more regions increases likelihood of being added to event.

Once you have completed selecting your dates and adding your preferences, click submit. You will now be eligible to be added to events on your selected dates.